• To Maintain Names, Address and Phone number of all Press and Electronic Media Representatives.
• To Maintain Good relation with Press and Electronic Media Representatives.
• To serve invitations of the college for the programmes organized in the institute.
• To send press notes with photographs to the press and electronic media representatives of the events conducted in the campus.
• To recommend the management for advertisements in the newspapers and sponsor local programs.
• To recommend the management to install hoardings at important locations.
• LCD Projectors.
• Audio System.
• One spacious hall for the students and faculty members to discuss about the activities.
a. Coordinator
• To Coordinate the activities of the cell
• To arrange meeting of the cell to make a note of the requirements and to take decisions.
• To send the suggestions to the college managements to impress on the decisions taken in the meeting of the cell through Head of the Institute.
• To give the details to the concern for updating the information in the college website.
b. Faculty members
• To attend the meeting of the cell.
• To collect the information from students and public to discuss and to take decisions in the meeting.
c. Student members
• To attend the meeting of the cell.
• To inform the faculty members about their views for development.
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