The infrastructural facilities at SREE VAHINI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is Divyangjan friendly in order to make the study environment more convenient for the disabled students. The college has following facilities:
• Physical Conveniences/Facilities
• Ramp
• Lift
• Rest Rooms
• Scribes for examination
The college provides special facilities for disabled students and persons to get quality education. The college has a social responsibility and approach that disabled students should be respected and treated as normal human being. The college has special facilities of Ramp for disabled students. The main entrance and exits clearly identified and easily approached. It can be convenience wheelchair users. Steps and Ramps have hand railings and the entrance providing approach to a lift. Parking facility is provided near the building. this is easily approachable to disability groups. convenience indoor parking space is located close to the lift. The doors are wide and inside sufficient space for disabled persons convenient wheelchair users. Visual and audible signals are available indicating the arrival at different floors. Separate toilets are provided for people with disabilities. They are clearly identifiable and approachable. Everywhere surfaces have slip resistance. Mirrors, comfort heights toilet has higher seat, it can also be coupled with an assistance railing. The doors are wide and lockable system is different. There are some students need the scribes with them who are disabled and difficult to take the examination. The college provides or allows the students to take help of scribes in the examination. A physically disabled /blind/hearing impaired candidate may select the scribe. The scribe need not have a qualification lower than that of student. A physically disabled/blind /hearing impaired candidate and the scribes for such a candidate shall be allowed an extra time of 20 min per hour. The disability service between staff and students to discuss a student’s requirements and arrange alterations to assessments such as using a scribe or a computer in an exam. Some hearing-impaired students are having language problems, mistakes in sentence formation. Hence, those answer sheets taken as separately and evaluated carefully.
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