About Cell
Entrepreneurship Development Cell was established in Sree Vahini Institute of Science and Technology (SVIST) in July 2019 with a view to foster the entrepreneur skills among the students. The purpose of this Cell is to support the students to transform their innovative ideas into new products and services for the betterment of the society with the provision of infrastructure and technical support .The EDC also assists all the aspirants with mentoring, planning and execution of their start up idea into a real business. The Cell also organizes different activities and events from time to time to train and motivate the students on entrepreneurship. From the position of job seekers, they get ordained as job givers.
The Vision of this Cell is to help the growth of our society by encouraging young entrepreneurs, thereby minimizing the nation’s anxiety over the rapidly increasing unemployment rate.
The Mission of this Cell is to support the students to transform their innovative ideas into new products and services for the betterment of the society with the provision of infrastructure and technical support.