On imparting professional education, it’s our foremost care to consider comfort of all stake holders to keep amicable environment in the campus. We, SVIST (Sree Vahini Institute of Science and Technology) take practice of transparency, justice and professional ethics in all happenings so that stake holders are not grieved. Staff grievance and redressal committee is to deal with the discontent, dissatisfaction expressed in person or through formal letter complaint. Generally Grievant means a student, parent, and staff member, group of students or staff members or combination of any of these stakeholders of the institution.
Committee Constitution: -
This is informed to all the faculty/staff that, the faculty grievances & Redressal committee is formed for AY 2020-21 and below is the staff members. They are advised to conduct meetings, arrange activities and prepare necessary documents to fulfill the participative management and decentralization of power for smooth running of the college.
ThisPolicy is intended toprovide a fair, internal processforresolving disputesthat arise between faculty or academic staff members and administrators. Theformal procedures described in this Policy are intended to be used only whenmatterscannotberesolvedinformally.Afacultyorstaffmemberwhofeelsaggrieved should first seek an informal resolution at the department, or schoollevelbeforefilingaformalgrievanceunderthis Policy.
A. Grievance: A written complaint filed by a faculty or staff member allegingaviolationofcollege,department.
B.Facultymember:Apersonwithapaidcollege appointmentattherank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor,includingthosewithfixed-termandvisitingstatus.
C.Staff:Afulltimenonteachingemployeeofthecollegeincluding,library , examination office , laboratory staffand otheradministrativestaff
D. Policy: A written statement of principles and procedures that govern theactions of faculty, staff, and administrators, including written rules, bylaws,procedures,orstandards.
E. Practice: Actions taken by the administrator within an administrative oracademic unit based on customs or standards in that unit that are usuallyunwrittenbutoflongstandingduration,andforwhoseexistencethegrievantcanoffer evidence.
F. Violation: A breach, misinterpretation, or misapplication of existing policyorestablishedpractice.
• To ensure harmonious environment in the campus to all staff members
• To provide the equal opportunity and hassle free resort to their grievances
• To maintain supervision on all activities of grievance and redressal mechanism.
The committee shall deal with grievances received in writing about any of thefollowingmatter:
1. Academic:issuesincludingcourseallocationworkload,examinations,question paper setting and moderation, websim related issues, adherencetoacademicschedules,plagiarism
2. InterpersonalIssuesandInterpersonalconflicts
3. General: Insubordination, violation of college schedules, impersonation,anyother formof malpractice.
Sexual Harassment: All complaints of sexual harassment shall bereferredby the Central Grievance committee to thecollege level Committee forPreventionof SexualHarassment.
4. Decisionsoftheacademiccouncil,boardofstudiesandexecutivecouncil
Administrative Action in the event of Ragging
The Institution shall punish the student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed herein under:
1. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Committee.
2. The Anti-Ragging Committee depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt will follow up the punishment based on the committee’s decision.
3. Further the Institution can refer to the Affiliating University to act according to the UGC Regulations and State Act on curbing the menace of ragging
4. As per the Supreme Court judgment on ragging in the Colleges, the following actions will be taken on those students who indulge in ragging Withholding of scholarships, fellowships & results
5. Debarring from representation in events and appearing for tests/examinations and also consequent admission to any other institution
6. Withdrawing benefits like travel concessions and campus selections
7. Suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess and also attending classes
8. Cancellation of admission or rustication from the Institution
9. Registration of FIR against the accused and Prosecution under the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
A faculty or staff member may file a formal grievance that alleges a violation ofCollege ,department,policyorestablishedpractice.
A faculty /staff member who feels aggrieved may discuss his/her complaint in aconfidentialmeetingwithhisheadof departmentordean.
To file a grievance, an individual faculty or staff member must submit a written,signed statement (the "grievance") to the Central Grievance Committee .Thegrievancemustcontainthefollowinginformation:
1. thespecificpolicyorestablishedpracticethathasallegedlybeenviolated;
2. thedateoftheallegedviolationandthedateonwhichthegrievantbecameawareof theallegedviolation;
3. thefacts relevantto theallegedviolation;
4. thepersonsagainstwhomthegrievanceisfiledand;
5. Theredresssought.
1. Enquiry shall be scheduled as expeditiously as possible and with due regardforthescheduleof bothparties.
2. The chairman of the committee shall provide written notice of the time andplaceoftheenquiry,thenamesofpanelandcopiesofanydocumentssubmittedbythepartiesanddeemedrelevant,toeachpartyatleastthree
3. Theenquirymeetingshallbeconductedingoodfaithandmustbecompleted within 7 calendar days unless the chairman determines that anextensionof timeis necessary.
4. Minutesoftheenquiryshallbemaintained.Apartymayrequestandobtainacopyminutes.
5. Theprivacyofconfidentialrecordsusedintheenquiryshallberespected.
6. All parties may present their cases in person and may call witnesses on theirbehalf.
7. A party may elect not to appear, in which event the enquiry will be held in hisorherabsence.Absenceofapartyshallnotbeprejudicialtotheenquiry.
8. The grievant has the responsibility of proving that there has been a violationof policy or established practice. The committee shall decide whether thepreponderanceoftheevidencesupportstheallegationsmadebythegrievant.
9. TheCommitteesshallresolveanyissuesraisedbytheparties,afterprovidingeachpartytheopportunitytobeheardonsuchmatters.
10. When an enquiry panel sustains an allegation made in a grievance, it shallrecommendappropriateredressconsistentwithexistingpolicies,procedures,and practices.
11. In case a grievance is received against any of the members of the CentralGrievancecommittee,thentheViceChancellor,ProViceChancellorAcademics and Advisor to Chancellor shall conduct the enquiry and submitthereportto the Chancellor.
While dealing with complaint, the committees will observe the law of naturaljustice.
It is important to point out here that while giving a decision on any grievance therelevant provisions of Act/Regulations should be kept in mind and no decisionsshouldbetaken incontradictionof thesame.
Under contruction.....